Specks from life of mere observer


man and machine

Watched this today:

And remembered what I thought about one day.

It is funny how we have come to situation, where robots are doing people jobs and people are doing robot jobs. The overall level of education is dropping and the time we spend using machines to socialize in cyberspace rather in real life drastically increases. The amount of electronics around us have skyrocketed. And now it’s mandatory to carry these things around you, because without them you are nothing.

And it’s not like these technologies have developed slowly over long periods of time so we could know how to use them responsibly. No, it’s like we opened a Pandora’s box of electronics and the stuff just keep on pouring out in ridiculous amounts. Like last year I saw an article about table tennis robot made in japan, who could beat professional players.

But why? Why do we need that?

I  think that yes, we, as species, we indeed are passing away. And no, we don’t need to try to save the world. Our planet will be fine with whatever we will leave to it. As if we could leave anything to it. Every thing made on this planet is provided by this planet. nothing we have made is truly made by us, so there isn’t anything unnatural with what we have done. And now we’re coming to an end and we shouldn’t be so angry or sad or hype about it, cause it’s the course mankind have chosen.

Who knows what will come after us. Maybe indeed, robots and machines, maybe Internet will be forever. Heck, maybe even pigeons will become the dominant species of the world, who knows.

But one thing I know for sure – We all here are just temporary and our perception of time is just a mere illusion. We have nothing to gain and nothing to lose, cause there isn’t anything ahead, there isn’t anything behind us, it is just now and we should enjoy of it as much as we can.

Your Highness

I like dark ages. I like supernatural stuff. I like comedy. Thought, I’m not sure if I will like this movie coming out in the spring

But we’ll see. Definitely gonna watch it and maybe make a review or something.


Yes, I visited Dailymotion for the first time and I guess I will explore it this night. At least for a while.


emotion feturedWell, this time I wanted to rant about some emotions like fear or something, but I could talk about them in general. I decided so, cause in casual talk I may have said, that my family aren’t my loved ones. The response was “You may not say so, but it should be so.”

So yeah, why should it be so? My family always treated me okay and I respect my mother for bringing me in this world and my father for the teachings he gave me and I’m glad, that I have them, BUT I never told anyone from my family, that I love them, never hugged any of them, not even talking about giving a kiss. well, only with distant relatives, but that’s not the point. I’m not talking about just saying or doing stuff, I’m talking about feeling emotions. Never felt like loving them or anything.

In my opinion, no one ever should feel or act in the way they are “supposed to” unless they are feeling doing it. This world is already full of pretending bullshit, fake, heightened emotions and stupid “plaster” faces. Why we, like normal people, couldn’t at once feel not like we are supposed to feel but like we actually feel? Just a little step closer to doing what we want, not doing what others are “suggesting” us to do. you know, like don’t try to cry in funerals if you don’t feel like it. If you want to smile, then for the dead persons sake, do it. Not like you are showing any hatred against him or anything ( even if you were, the dead person wouldn’t care. He is dead!) but no one should be so selfish about death, talking about how it took the person away from them, not about how it took persons life away from him. Sure, it’s natural to feel sad, and if you  do, than be sad.

How do you think, if your girlfriend/boyfriend would leave you, would you felt sad if you in your entire life haven’t seen any suggestion how to feel in that kind of situation? What if he/she presented you a flower? You would think “well, it’s colorful and squishy and all, but why he/she is giving it to me? What does it mean? Maybe he/she is trying to act nice and presenting me food? Or maybe it’s some sort of threat, cause obviously he/she have killed this plant and now is presenting me this dead body…”

What I’m trying to say, that emotions are synthesized in our brains and bodies and every one of us functions differently, so no one should ever do/say/feel like others do/say/ fell. Fine, if your state of being aligns with others, but you should recognize, that you are acting by your own will, not others. Just a bit of some sort of  anarchy, Just questioning everything, that’s all I’m asking, folks.

Is this Monday again?

Well, this day was a real waste of time. Woke up real early and managed to do less if I would have woke up later. No matter, I’ll just catch up in the night.

But on the plus side – I have, like, 3 page views!

So just to take the mind off:

Five reasons you should avoid using super glue

1. First time use
So every one of us time to time break something. And chances are, that in need of mending something, you  have bought your first ever tube of super glue! Sadly, for some reason, every time super glue is bought, we act like we seen it for the first time and we make the lethal mistake – we carelessly unscrew the cap and wonder, why nothing comes out, when we squeeze the tube? Then we realize, that the seal needs to be broken and we proceed to do that. And what happens? BLAM! Just when that pesky seal is broken, super glue  comes out in uncontrollable stream of horror and glues everything to everything (except the part you intended to glue in place)

2. The explosion
Most likely after the first and only use, we cap that thing up and put it somewhere safe, hopefully to not see ever again. But of course comes the time we break something again and start to think “But wait, I had super glue lying around, I could fix this in no time and no one would ever know. Oh my, so awesomely smart I am!” So in an epic search for the tiny tube we go and once it’s found, we come to realization, that it haven’t been used in while, so tip have been glued shut and nothing comes out. Then comes the lethal mistake again – we poke it with needle. as soon as there is a hole the super glue explodes out of it in speed of light and again glues everything to everything and once you manage to control the situation (more or less) you realize, that there is no super glue left for the work you intended to use it.

3. Laws of gluing
Have you read texts on the super glue packaging? the list of stuff it can glue together is quite impressive, that’s for sure! But then again, how much of the listed stuff you have tried to glue together? How much of  it you successfully glued together? If you are a simple person and have no creepy super powers in avoiding glue, chances are, the only thing you can successfully glue together is leather. More precise, your skin. A little tip – even if you’re hands aren’t free because of the parts you are holding, never ever open super glue with your mouth. Never.

4. The Illusion
Buying super glue one could think “wow, it’s kinda small tube, will it be enough for me? Maybe I should buy two? Naa, probably gonna be enough, it’s super glue.” And once it’s used you realize, that really, you don’t need much of it. But then the illusion kicks in. The second time you try to use it, you squeeze as much as you can, but the parts don’t stick together and as the matter of fact, you don’t even have much to squeeze, cause half of the tube was just air.

5. Burning man
In these modern days synthetic clothes are common and nothing special to think about. And probably in comfort of your house you’re wearing something warm and ugly. And God help you, if you wear something synthetic while trying to super glue something. As mentioned before, super glue have tendency spread out all over the place as much as possible and if some of it drips on your synthetic clothes, it gets really, really hot. And not just that, it gets really hot and sticks to your skin!
and of course if you have a non synthetic clothes, you are more lucky, but still, those drips are indestructible and hard as rock and the will stay there forever, rubbing against your skin in not so nice manner.

So here you have it, avoid using super glue as much as you can, but if you really, really need to use it, ask for someone else to do that.

“The tube exploded in my hand and partly on my face…
I’m disfigured!!!!!!!!!!”

I told you so…

level up

Yay, I got one visitor in this magnificent day!

Got my marks in painting and drawing today, not , not bad, But all in all, I don’t care about marks, I will do what I want Anyway. I just proven  the point to myself :

All year I tried to do as the teachers told me, no talking back and so.  And while doing that, I observed how it goes for my fellow student, who always came with his own ideas and crazy painting style and always talked back to teachers. Now the grades are here and sure enough – he have  way grater grade than I do.

Point is: teachers are here just to guide  us, but you should always, always question everything.

Now just I should intake some nutrients and off I go for the posters, which are all done and waiting for me.

And in the beginning there was nothing

“God is in the details”

This idiom comes from German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969). And many others, as wikipedia claims. Also, wherever is God, there always is Devil.

“The Devil is in the details”

But I’m not a religious person and have no interest to talk about it now, so in this context I see God and Devil as more abstract concept. As the beginning of everything, the essence of life. And this concept strongly affects my view of life, the way I perceive things, the way i think.

But wherever I was trying to go with this, I thought, it would be a nice first post, don’t you think? Referencing to creationism while creating a blog is the real deal!

But of course first entries in blogs can’t be taken serious, cause you never know if the blog will live to see another day. Especially for me, cause I have already tried several times to start a blog and it always ended with “meh, why should I try to update it, if no one is reading it anyway? Meh, I say, meh!”

But well, you can’t start big, so we’ll see how will this go.

I have no real ending for this, so i’ll leave you with a picture of a drunk penguin.


In my language word “penguin” rimes with word “vodka.” Just a fun fact.